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Monday, May 14, 2012

Carl Oscar Johnson’s Mission Journal – pages 85-90

April 9-22, 1899


Monday the 10th.  I left the city and walked 30 miles to the village Liden and had a good meeting there the same evening, and there appeared to be many interested listeners, mostly men, and a good spirit prevailed although I was very tire after the meeting was over.

The next day I left the village even though the weather was very bad, and walked to Jerqvisle [Garkvisle] and had a grand meeting the same evening at [?}Lidbeck, and there was one of the largest halls that I have preached in, and a good spirit prevailed, and I sol many books and tracts.


Later, I talked with the estate’s owners until after 11 at night.

On the following day I walked in company with j. Lidberg to Westana and visited several places along the way.  No meeting had been arranged, nevertheless, many people came together and I had to preach to preach for a time, and we had much singing and encouragement,  and it was a great pleasure for me to see and be associated with these noble people.  I stayed at the Aslins that night, and the following day I visited the Larsons and Selander as well as the Nygrens and immediately after noon I baptized 2 persons and confirmed them.  At night I walked to Westana and had a meeting at the school and many people were together when we walked, and many people were also there at the meeting.  I was invited to the Bermans overnight 9page 87) and was [there] until noon the next day [and]baptized a person who had come 14 ½ (?) miles from the village of [Liden].  [He has written “2 ¼ miles” which I believe to be American miles which would be a more correct distance.]  At night we had a Testimony Meeting where everyone was present, and there she who had been baptized that day was confirmed.  Thereafter, 4 children were blessed and [the Branch] organization [was completed], and 3 men received the Priesthood:  Brother Alvar [Elder], Brother Selander [Priest], Brother Larson [Teacher], and were installed as the leaders [of the Branch].  Thereafter was the Sacrament Meeting and there was a remarkably good spirit present.

After the meeting’s conclusion, I was [asked?]if I would not accept a little gift that the brothers and sisters had put together for me, and I [promised?] to accept a remembrance which consisted of 2 silver spoons with engraving.  I felt a great sorrow in separating from these [people] here who have been so good to me.


On the following morning I had to leave very early and Brother Emil Aslin went with me with horse and sled to the Bispgarden station where I took the train to Fransta and Bracke and Anga.  I went and visited brother d. Strand at Finsta and stayed there overnight.  The wife, Sister Strand, was very sick and with hardly any hope for improvement, and she asked that I would anoint [and bless] her and leave her in the hands of the Lord, which I did.  Brother Strand now, as before, showed me much love and good will.

Sunday the 16th.  I left Br. Stand and took the train from Fransta to Sundsvall and arrived home between 1-2 p.m.  I received some letters and was happy for that.  At 5 p.m. we had a good meeting where many listened with intent attention.


After the meeting we were invited to Hoglunds for the evening and we were there for quite a long time.  The following day was set aside as a farewell celebration for me and the other brethren which [lodge?] at Sister Engborg and who are very nice and who will remain in my memory.

Tuesday the 18th.  I left Sundsvall in company with Brother Anderson and walked 25 miles and stayed at [name not legible] Inn overnight and the next day we walked [illegible] to Hogen Bergsjo, and there we had a meeting the same evening and I used the time to speak to those assembled.  The next day we traveled by train to Judiksvall and were warmly welcomed by the brothers and sisters there, and had a meeting that afternoon at 7:>30 p.m. at Mr. Johnson who had previously offered a room for my many meetings.


We stayed over the next day and held another meeting at the same place and those present were very interested and welcomed us back again if we wished.

Saturday the 22ND.  We left Hudiksvall at 5:10 a.m., I with Upsala as my goal, and brother Soderstram, with whom I was in company, to Kilafors and s [after that] we were alone.  I came to Upsala a little after 4 p.m. and as usual, I went to Svarbacksgatan 35 and was welcomed there.

(End of this portion of Elder Johnson’s diary)
It is unfortunate that Elder Johnson generally did not name in the body of his diary those who were baptized.  He did list their names in the back of the diary, but not necessarily in the order of their baptism, nor did he specify the individual baptismal dates.  Some names can be attached to particular dates by referencing family records, but I do not have all the necessary records at hand.

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