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Friday, September 30, 2011


Carl Oscar Johnson’s Mission Journal – pages 58-68 
January 21- February 27, 1899
(page 58-59)
I found the brethren at home and I felt that I wanted a couple of days’ rest because my feet felt very painful.  I was at home and inside until Friday the 27th and during that time I accomplished the writing I needed to do and studied and prepared myself for other mission assignments, and we even scheduled meetings at Sundsbruk and also at Pettersvik with the Walbers.
Friday the 27th.  In the evening we had a meeting at the Good Templar’s Hall at Sund [or Sundsvall or Sundbruk?] and about 100 persons attended.  Some of the congregation seemed to be a little agitated, but most were very interested and the opinion of several was that we should come again and hold more meetings.  We lodged overnight with the Engstroms.  The following morning Brother Bohman and I went home and on arrival I felt ill and had to go to bed for 5 hours, however I then began
                                                                                      (page 59)
to feel so good that I got up and prepared to go to Pettervik and hold a meeting there, and we came there just before the established time.  There were not many there, but it was good and instructional.

Sunday the 29th.  We had a second meeting at the hall but there were not many who visited these meetings so it appears that the people in this area are indifferent to visit and learn about the way to eternal life.  In the evening we were at the Hoglunds for a while and several of the brothers and sisters were present, and we stayed until 10 o’clock.

Monday the 30th.  I was home all day and wrote and prepared our monthly report and I was also unable to walk any distance because my foot feels very sore so that I couldn’t even put a shoe on it.  And the next day I was also at home.
(page 60)
Wednesday, February 1.  I traveled a distance to Fransta and visited Brother Strand and found that his wife was very sick and confined to her bed for 5 weeks.  I was very welcome and stayed with them until Sunday, and also had a good gathering on Saturday evening where the people seemed to be very interested, and I talked for a long time.  The next morning a man who was a member of the United (Moravian) Brethren asked me to stay longer and hold several more meetings, but time did not allow me to do that.  On Sunday morning, before I left, we had the sacrament together and had a joyous time.  Then I traveled by train back to Sundsvall and met the brethren who had just completed a meeting at the hall.  I presided at the last meeting and spoke part of the time.


We were at the Hoglunds that night.

Monday the 6th.  I was home till noon when we were invited to Sister Engberg and had a fine meal.  When we left there we went to Sy[Sister?] Lind and were there over the night.

On Tuesday I left in company with Br. Bohman for a trip southward and we walked the long way of 34 miles to Gnarpsbruk and found our brothers and sisters there in good circumstances and they were very happy with our visit, but we were very tired when we arrived.  We were there overnight and the following days and rested and amused ourselves as best we could.

Thursday we left Gnarp and walked 21 miles to Ravik Bergsjo and visited the Martinsons and then Brother Bohman had considerable pain in his leg just as the previous day when we walked to Gnarp.


When on Friday Brother Bohman continued to feel unable [to walk], I went alone to W[att?]lang and was there overnight and on Saturday continued to Hudiksvall.  Upon arriving there I went and greeted Sister Sundberg and soon received a little refreshment.  After which I took a turn around and visited [others], and I scheduled a meeting with sister Johanson for Sunday at 5 p.m.  I received night lodging with a folk, the Jacobson’s, by arrangement of Sister Sundberg.  I was there in Hjvall over Sunday and on Monday I  had two good meetings and acquired many friends and particularly of the Spiritualists Association, and several took farewell of me with tear-filled eyes, at the same time constraining me to come there again if it were possible, and I promised to half of them [that I would] and they felt happy with that.
Tuesday the 14th.  I walked 20 miles even though the weather was very bad, and I also had a meeting at the Martinsons which was very good [and] to the people’s satisfaction, and I also had a meeting there the next evening.  And some prominent personalities were also there, and the people even asked me to stay longer, but I dared not because I was scheduled to be in Sundsvall on Sunday.  On Thursday I walked to Gnarp but when I arrived I heard that it would not be possible to hold a meeting because the authorities would not give permission to preach in that place.  I was there overnight and that night many persons came to hear me because they had heard that I had come, but they could not [hear Johnson preach] and they turned homeward again, unhappy.
Friday the 17th.  I took leave of my dear brothers and sisters and had before me the long road of 34 miles to walk, but it went quite well so that before 6 p.m. at night I came to Sundsvall.  Of course, I was tired but I still had a little way to walk because Brother Bohman was sick and I wanted to see him, and I also visited Sister Lind who also was sick.  I had six letters from different places.

Saturday the 18th.  I was home and put things in proper order for the Branch and the meeting hall, and also visited some places, but I was quite tired from yesterday’s march.

Sunday the 19th.  We had a meeting at 11 a.m. and 5 brethren [probably brothers and sisters] were present and I spoke for about 1 hour.  After the meeting I visited Sister Klara Schader and others, and at night I visited (in company with Brother Hoglund)
(page 65)
the Salvation’s Army for I wanted to see them one time while I was in Sweden, but my thoughts were alternating while I was there, and at the same time I thought that they needed little more enlightenment.

On Monday I visited several places and prepared myself for a tour out in the countryside.

Tuesday the 21st.  I left the city at 10:30 and I [walked] the long road to Liden village (nearly 30 miles) but I [was]very tired when I arrived, and to my surprise a meeting had been scheduled by Br. Anderson at the Hagstroms.  I felt myself made powerful in spirit and spoke to the assemblage a considerable time even though my legs weakened.  There were about 60 to 70 persons present and they seemed quite attentive which made a good impression on me.
Wednesday the 22nd.  We left the village and walked to Sillre village (6 miles from the village [Liden], and when we got there we received work that a meeting was scheduled at Nils Pers [home], and we were well-received and at 7 o’clock there were about 80 persons gathered to meet, and I took up the time speaking and there was reverence and attention.  We had a good place to sleep and the next day we were there until 12:00 o’clock and spoke with the people there.  Then we walked 1 ½ miles to Jarkvisle where a meeting was scheduled at Nils Melin where I previously had had meetings, and we were well-received and had meetings 2 evenings at that place, and many people came together and a good spirit prevailed.  In the course of the day we visited several places and talked with the people wherever we went and they showed us much good, both food and friendship.
On Saturday we left Jerqvisle [Jarkvisle, or Garkvisle, or Gerkvisle] and walked to Westana and first visited the Nordlunds and were welcomed by them and we were then  invited to the Bergmans for lodgings.  On the way there we visited a couple of places so that it was evening before we arrived.  We were received with the best feelings and comfort.

Sunday the 26th.  We had 2 meetings at the school and in Johan Ostlunds home [literally, manor]. There was a full-house at both meetings although the religious [those with strong ties to a particular church] had a preacher here who scheduled meetings at the same times.  It is noteworthy that on few occasions has been shown as great well-wishing and friendliness as in this area, and the more that different churches have worked against us the more we have won the sympathy and trust of the people, and we feel ourselves filled with power to work among such good people.
Monday the 27th.  We visited various people along the way to Korsamon and we did not arrive before evening, and were very well received by the Selanders where a meeting was scheduled, and many people were there that evening as at other times when meetings have been held there.  Later, we had lodgings with the Modins.  The next day we received an invitation to attend a reading against us by a Baptist preacher.  We went and visited them [who send the invitation] and discussed with them the purpose for which they [the Baptists] accused us, and this discussion was very good for our part, and the reading was scheduled for 5 p.m.  We went there but the time was changed to 7 p.m., however, our meeting was scheduled so we could not attend, and the people could tolerate the change [in the preacher’s meeting].

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Carl Oscar Johnson’s Mission Journal – pages 52-57

January 11-21, 1899

(page 52)

I stayed with the Olof Ladins not far from where our meetings were held and I had a wonderful home there with them, and they were as good as possible to me.

Thursday the 12th.  I took a tour up to Langliden because I heard that there was somebody who wanted to offer a room there, but at the agreed place they could not let it be used, so I let it be, but my feelings told me to go to another place, and there I was as good as expected and a meeting was scheduled there for the same evening, and I began to invite people to that location.  When I returned there was a request again from Boda to preach there again on Saturday night.  But I preach[ed] in 2 evenings on Thursday and Friday evenings at the Kristoffer Johnsons and quite a lot of people were there and [it was]very enjoyable to preach and the worthy people were very friendly to me.


I visited the Lindes at Langliden and was warmly greeted by them.  I also became acquainted with Ireius Ledin who has been in America for some time and he was very interested in the Gospel.  On Saturday evening I had a good and well attended meeting in Boda again and it now appears the spirit of the gospel has come upon the people more than before and they wanted another meeting the next day.  Because I will be leaving the area, I scheduled a meeting on Tuesday night.  After I was home with the Ladins [Ledin(?)] for a time, the school teacher, Akerlund came (somewhat heated) and wanted a debate which I agreed to and scheduled it to be in an open meeting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.

On Sunday morning I left Boda in company with Linde  [Theodore? ]and was assisted across the river by A. Hammarstrom, then went further to the Selanders at Korsamon where 2 meetings were scheduled during the day.


There were so many people that they nearly filled 3 rooms and a remarkable power was enjoyed, and we had good music then.  One played the organ and 2 played guitars.  I felt true happiness to be able to work and be at this place when the people showed such an interest.  And several Langvadja[r] [Lanvagen residents] asked me to come to their homes for future meetings, however I could not because the time did not allow me, but I promised to visit them in the future.

Monday the 16th.  I said farewell to the Selanders and visited the Modins and was well received, and then walked to Westana and visited several places to which I was invited, and where I was especially well accepted, where I came and spoke with them about the gospel and its blessings, and several said they were prepared to obey it.  I was invited to stay overnight with the Bormans who also said they were believers.


Tuesday the 17th.  I visited Nordlund and was there for a while after which we went to the Alfvars and several were gathered there who planned to go to Boda [for the debate], and we were 7 in company.  Arriving there we saw people come from all areas gather in the school house, and at 3 o’clock it was as full as it could be, and the school teacher Akerlund took the lead position [and] received several questions which I answered from the scriptures, and which seemed to be to the people’s satisfaction.  My opponent misspoke himself a couple of times, but asked forgiveness and acknowledged that he was wrong.  The debate lasted for 2 hours.  Thereafter I had the most well-attended meeting I have ever had in the land, and spoke 1 ½ hours and I as well as the people were satisfied, and I hope that the truth shall bear fruit in this region and may God bless all those who have done good to me and who have shown me so much friendliness.


Wednesday the 18th.  I said goodbye to my friends in Boda and walked 4 1/2 miles to Garkvisle and visited a Lidberg who wanted me to come and hold a meeting there, and he has got a good place with farmer Nils Melin at which place I preached 2 nights, and many people were there and appeared to be attentive, and the leader of the United Brethren [Moravian] who was part of the previously mentioned committee, indicated he was very pleased and I was invited to return to the same [meeting] place.  Later a meeting was scheduled with Engom at Nils Lidberg so I had to go back one mile, and my friends from Westana came there and felt very happy to once again have an opportunity to hear a sermon and they wished me good fortune and prosperity and welcome back again, and that they would wait for that time,


and after the meeting’s conclusion there was a man who said he wondered if I would hold another meeting, so interested was he.  I went home with Jonas Lidberg and slept there over night.

Saturday the 21st.  I left Garkvisle and went to Liden village and the weather was nasty with much snow.  I stayed overnight with Hagstrom.  Next day I went to Ostloning Indahl and stayed with Lars Hogelin overnight and was well received at these places.  Next day I walked 20 miles to Sundsvall and because of the unclear road and [which made it] hard to walk, I became very tired, therefore I was glad to be home again and very satisfied with the work I had done.  I had [in value] over 23 kronor [crowns’ worth] of tracts and books with me when I went [to the Indals region]. (and) I had only 1 “The Voice of Truth” and “A Glad Message” for 17 ore (cents), and many books were contracted out [sold or loaned].

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Other pictures of Wallace and his wife, Fae, have been added to the Life Sketch of Wallace Oscar Johnson.



Fae was born May 24, 1919 in Basalt, Bingham County, Idaho, to Hans Andrew Johnson and Dora Chatman Hymas. Fae was the 7th of 9 children born to Hans and Dora—the 2nd of 3 girls.  Dora said Fae was very delicate when she was born and even though the weather was very hot she was kept with hot water bottles until the last of June.  There was no such thing as incubators at that time.   She was blessed by her father on June 26, 1919.

Fae started school when she was 6 years of age in 1926.  She skipped the second grade and graduated from grade school at the age of 12 in the year of 1932.  She remembered having to wear those ugly long brown stockings to school.  Many days she would roll them down to her ankles after she got to school as many of the girls would do.  However, one day her mother came to school for some reason or another and saw that her legs were showing.  What a disgrace!!  Fae was marched home with her mother switching her legs with a willow all the way home.

She was baptized in Shelley, Idaho on June 2, 1927 by Robert Bradshaw and was confirmed on June 3, 1927 by Bro. Joseph H. Dye at Basalt.

She went through all of her classes in Primary and graduated from the Seagull class when she as 13 years of age in 1933. She, also, received her Patriarchal Blessing on Feb. 12, 1933 by Bro. Joseph H. Dye.

Fae started high school in the fall of 1932 but didn’t complete her freshman year or go any farther in her education because of poor health.  In the spring of 1933, she had rheumatic fever and stated that she such a bad pain in her heart that she couldn’t lay on her side.  Her parents sent for Bro. Merkley and Bro. Cox, both from Blackfoot, and had them administer to her. When they got through, she turned on her side and went right to sleep.  

Her heart trouble was compounded with scarlet fever.  She was in bed for four months without even being able to feed herself.  She was administered to many times while she was sick and saw the power of the Lord made manifest.  Her heart was so badly damaged that she was told by doctors she would not live to see adulthood.  During one particular blessing, she was promised if she lived faithfully, she would live to see her family raised.  Fae’s father was upset at this promise because of her poor health. However, Fae’s parents had seen the power of prayer and the power of the Priesthood too many times to ignore this promise.  They knew the validity of it.

When she lived to adulthood and married, the doctors told her that she would not survive childbirth and therefore, she should not have any children.  When she had two children, they told her that she would not live to see grandchildren.  But she lived to see 5 of her grandchildren before she passed away.

Her service in the Church started at a young age.  She was sustained as a Primary teacher in 1934 and taught different classes.  She really enjoyed teaching the young Primary children.  She helped with the Sunday School.   On September 8, 1935, she was sustained as Assistant Secretary of the Basalt Ward.  January 27, 1936 she was set apart as the Jr. Genealogy Teacher.

In 1935 she attended a stake dance with some of her friends, namely Adele Jensen.  A young man named Wallace Johnson (no relation) was attending that same dance. Wallace’s friend, Hollis Harker, dared him to invite this pretty young lady to dance.  He took the dare and referred to this young lady as a red winged blackbird because of the black dress trimmed in red she was wearing that evening.  Wallace and Fae began a courtship that evening that turned into an eternal marriage on June 3, 1937, in the Salt Lake Temple.

Two children were born to Fae and Wallace.  Wallace Delmar was born on 5 June 1939 and LaNea Fae was born on 6 May 1944.  Both were born in Idaho Falls, Idaho at the L.D.S.Hospital

Despite Fae’s poor health, they enjoyed many activities together, especially fishing.  The family enjoyed many fishing trips together.  LaNea remembers one trip at Riverside when she fell in the river.  She was sitting on a rock dangling her feet in the water in the swift current—just a little further—just a little further.  All of a sudden she slipped in.  The water was up to her chin.  She was so scared.  All she could mutter was “ma”.  Mom was fishing from the next rock down—probably about 20 feet away.  With the sound of the rushing water, there was no way she could hear LaNea.  But somehow she saw her.  Fae jumped in so fast after LaNea and got her out of the river.  They headed back to camp which was passed Wallace.  He saw them, started to tease Fae about falling in but realized what had happened. He realized that was not the time to tease—too many tears.

Another memorable fishing trip had several people, including Wallace and Fae, fishing from a boat.  Two people hooked fish at the same time.  The first fish to be landed was dropped on the bottom of the boat with the flatfish still in its mouth so the people could concentrate on landing the second fish.  The flopping of the first fish caused the treble hook on the flatfish to become embedded in Fae’s rear.  The scene of Fae’s screaming, Wallace’s trying to console her and the other’s trying to land the second fish was quite exciting.

Fae was a very outgoing person.  She made friends very easily and had many friends. She was interested in other people and made others seem like they were her best friends. She served as a Pink Lady volunteer at the hospital for many years.  She loved to play bridge and belonged to a couple of bridge clubs. I think it was more just the association with others.  She was a member of DUP.  When Fae’s Mother was in a Nursing Home, the older ladies were always so glad to see Fae come because she would visit with them, too. Sometimes, Grandma would get a little jealous.  She would say, “I thought you came to see me!” She was plainly a very pleasant person to be around.  A niece Maureen, remembers Aunt Fae as being so pretty, and being so nice.

Fae was always involved in her children’s lives.  She was a room mother whenever she could be.   Her kids were always very proud when their mom was at school and participating in their activities.  Mom always went out of her way to make sure whatever she did was as nice as possible.  She took pride in her children’s appearance.  When, in Delmar’s senior year, he was voted as the “Best Dressed Classmate”, she said she took that as a compliment to her, because she bought all of his clothes.

She taught LaNea and her friend’s 4-H and attended 4-H Camp with them. She attended LaNea’a State FHA Convention in Boise as a chaperone. Delmar was very active in scouting with his Mom serving as his counselor on several of his merit badges.  Fae was so proud of Delmar when he received his Eagle.  Delmar gives credit to his Mom for this great accomplishment.   Her children have always been so proud to have her a part of their lives and their activities.

Fae loved working with her children in the church, also.  She loved being where they were.  When her children were in Primary, she was in Primary. When LaNea was in MIA, Fae served in MIA for a while. It’s a great blessing there has always a closeness in her family.

Fae was always very close to her parents. Hans and Dora lived in Shelley during the latter part of their lives.  Fae saw them almost every day.  Holidays were a fun time spent with the family. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years were rotated among Fae, Maida, and Grandma/Grandpa.  The three families would get together each year.  The grandchildren’s responsibility each time was dishes EVERY TIME!! They would really complain but boy would they have fun.  I don’t know how clean the dishes really were but we did have fun.

Ila died when she was very young so Fae and Maida were the only sisters who really knew each other.  They were very close. They did many things together.  They laughed together; they cried together; they worked together; they fought together; they shared joy, sorrow and pain together.  They were true sisters.  They were so close.  There weren’t any sisters who were closer than Fae and Maida.  They worked in the spud harvest together.  Many stories were shared as they sat side by side at the spud hopper cutting spuds as Delmar shoveled spuds into that hopper.

Because of her health, Fae was not able to do much manual labor on the farm, but she surely was a good truck driver whether it be during spud harvest, grain harvest, or for the guys bucking hay.  She enjoyed being outside doing whatever she could do to help. Probably the most help she provided was the excellent meals she cooked for the help.  She was an excellent cook.

Wallace was well known for being an excellent farmer.  One year, corporate officers from French’s Potato Processing Company came to Shelley from New York.  They visited Wallace’s farm, but not only did they visit Wallace, they also stayed to partake of Fae’s good Idaho cooking.  They published pictures of Wallace on the farm and pictures of Fae in her kitchen as well as her recipes.

Fae loved flowers.  She always had beautiful flowers planted around her house as well as flowering trees.  One of her favorite trees was a deep purple lilac.  She, also, had a snowball tree.  When the two were in season, she always had a bouquet of the two on her kitchen table.  She also had a bowl of pansies when possible, too.

Fae loved red hair.  She said her natural color was a mousy brown color.  Her family never saw her natural color.  They always thought she had the most beautiful red hair.  Wallace called her “carrot top”.  Fae’s Granddaughter Susan had a daughter, Jessica, with the color of hair that Fae always wanted.  LaNea said Fae sent her to us for that reason.

Fae and Wallace loved to bowl.  For a number of years they bowled together in a league.  The condition of her health was reflected by the weight of the bowling ball which she used.  She started out with a 12 pound ball.  When that got too heavy for her, she went to a 10 pound ball.  She finally went to an 8 pound ball.  I’m not sure whether she went to a 6 pound ball.  She would stand for a long time watching her ball slowly roll down the alley.  The pins would fall down in slow motion but she would get the job done.    But when it became too strenuous for her to bowl, they retired from the bowling league.

The house Fae and Wallace lived in was heated by a central heater located in the living room.  Consequently, the surrounding rooms would get rather cold, especially during the winter.  Verna remembered how Fae would like to sit in front of that heater eating one of her favorite foods—Jonathan apples.

Another memory Verna had about Fae was the kitchen in that house.  Fae loved to decorate.  The kitchen was decorated in white, black, and red, which was rather daring in those days.  Verna said it was beautiful.

Since Wallace was a farmer, they lived about 2 miles out of Shelley.  Fae’s parents lived in Shelley due to Hans’ poor health.  Hans and Dora’s youngest son, Raeo, lived with Fae and Wallace and worked on the farm to help his parents.

Fae and Raeo had a very close relationship and remained very close.  In fact, Raeo and his wife, Verna, were able to go to the hospital on the day LaNea was born to see Fae.  This was the day Raeo was shipped overseas with the Army in WWII and was the last day the family saw him since he was killed in France the following October.

Verna also remembers what a devoted Mother Fae was to Delmar.  Delmar’s favorite story was “Peter Rabbit”.  He would love to sit on Fae’s lap to have her read him that particular story.  He knew it so well, he knew if she made a mistake in reading it to him.  He could almost read it to her.

For the last few years of her life, she lived from one new wonder drug to the next.  When the effectiveness of a new drug would diminish to the point that it didn’t help her, another one would hit the market which helped for awhile.  Eventually, she outlived the progress of medical science and they did not have another wonder drug to keep her alive.

Fae passed away on Jan. 18, 1968 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho.

She was survived by her husband Wallace
Son, Delmar
Daughter, LaNea

She is buried in Shelley, Idaho