January 21- February 27, 1899
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I found the brethren at home and I felt that I wanted a couple of days’ rest because my feet felt very painful. I was at home and inside until Friday the 27th and during that time I accomplished the writing I needed to do and studied and prepared myself for other mission assignments, and we even scheduled meetings at Sundsbruk and also at Pettersvik with the Walbers.
Friday the 27th. In the evening we had a meeting at the Good Templar’s Hall at Sund [or Sundsvall or Sundbruk?] and about 100 persons attended. Some of the congregation seemed to be a little agitated, but most were very interested and the opinion of several was that we should come again and hold more meetings. We lodged overnight with the Engstroms. The following morning Brother Bohman and I went home and on arrival I felt ill and had to go to bed for 5 hours, however I then began
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to feel so good that I got up and prepared to go to Pettervik and hold a meeting there, and we came there just before the established time. There were not many there, but it was good and instructional.(page 59)
Sunday the 29th. We had a second meeting at the hall but there were not many who visited these meetings so it appears that the people in this area are indifferent to visit and learn about the way to eternal life. In the evening we were at the Hoglunds for a while and several of the brothers and sisters were present, and we stayed until 10 o’clock.
Monday the 30th. I was home all day and wrote and prepared our monthly report and I was also unable to walk any distance because my foot feels very sore so that I couldn’t even put a shoe on it. And the next day I was also at home.
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Wednesday, February 1. I traveled a distance to Fransta and visited Brother Strand and found that his wife was very sick and confined to her bed for 5 weeks. I was very welcome and stayed with them until Sunday, and also had a good gathering on Saturday evening where the people seemed to be very interested, and I talked for a long time. The next morning a man who was a member of the United (Moravian) Brethren asked me to stay longer and hold several more meetings, but time did not allow me to do that. On Sunday morning, before I left, we had the sacrament together and had a joyous time. Then I traveled by train back to Sundsvall and met the brethren who had just completed a meeting at the hall. I presided at the last meeting and spoke part of the time.(61)
We were at the Hoglunds that night.
Monday the 6th. I was home till noon when we were invited to Sister Engberg and had a fine meal. When we left there we went to Sy[Sister?] Lind and were there over the night.
On Tuesday I left in company with Br. Bohman for a trip southward and we walked the long way of 34 miles to Gnarpsbruk and found our brothers and sisters there in good circumstances and they were very happy with our visit, but we were very tired when we arrived. We were there overnight and the following days and rested and amused ourselves as best we could.
Thursday we left Gnarp and walked 21 miles to Ravik Bergsjo and visited the Martinsons and then Brother Bohman had considerable pain in his leg just as the previous day when we walked to Gnarp.
When on Friday Brother Bohman continued to feel unable [to walk], I went alone to W[att?]lang and was there overnight and on Saturday continued to Hudiksvall. Upon arriving there I went and greeted Sister Sundberg and soon received a little refreshment. After which I took a turn around and visited [others], and I scheduled a meeting with sister Johanson for Sunday at 5 p.m. I received night lodging with a folk, the Jacobson’s, by arrangement of Sister Sundberg. I was there in Hjvall over Sunday and on Monday I had two good meetings and acquired many friends and particularly of the Spiritualists Association, and several took farewell of me with tear-filled eyes, at the same time constraining me to come there again if it were possible, and I promised to half of them [that I would] and they felt happy with that.
Tuesday the 14th. I walked 20 miles even though the weather was very bad, and I also had a meeting at the Martinsons which was very good [and] to the people’s satisfaction, and I also had a meeting there the next evening. And some prominent personalities were also there, and the people even asked me to stay longer, but I dared not because I was scheduled to be in Sundsvall on Sunday. On Thursday I walked to Gnarp but when I arrived I heard that it would not be possible to hold a meeting because the authorities would not give permission to preach in that place. I was there overnight and that night many persons came to hear me because they had heard that I had come, but they could not [hear Johnson preach] and they turned homeward again, unhappy.(64-5)
Friday the 17th. I took leave of my dear brothers and sisters and had before me the long road of 34 miles to walk, but it went quite well so that before 6 p.m. at night I came to Sundsvall. Of course, I was tired but I still had a little way to walk because Brother Bohman was sick and I wanted to see him, and I also visited Sister Lind who also was sick. I had six letters from different places.Saturday the 18th. I was home and put things in proper order for the Branch and the meeting hall, and also visited some places, but I was quite tired from yesterday’s march.
Sunday the 19th. We had a meeting at 11 a.m. and 5 brethren [probably brothers and sisters] were present and I spoke for about 1 hour. After the meeting I visited Sister Klara Schader and others, and at night I visited (in company with Brother Hoglund)
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the Salvation’s Army for I wanted to see them one time while I was in Sweden, but my thoughts were alternating while I was there, and at the same time I thought that they needed little more enlightenment. On Monday I visited several places and prepared myself for a tour out in the countryside.
Tuesday the 21st. I left the city at 10:30 and I [walked] the long road to Liden village (nearly 30 miles) but I [was]very tired when I arrived, and to my surprise a meeting had been scheduled by Br. Anderson at the Hagstroms. I felt myself made powerful in spirit and spoke to the assemblage a considerable time even though my legs weakened. There were about 60 to 70 persons present and they seemed quite attentive which made a good impression on me.
Wednesday the 22nd. We left the village and walked to Sillre village (6 miles from the village [Liden], and when we got there we received work that a meeting was scheduled at Nils Pers [home], and we were well-received and at 7 o’clock there were about 80 persons gathered to meet, and I took up the time speaking and there was reverence and attention. We had a good place to sleep and the next day we were there until 12:00 o’clock and spoke with the people there. Then we walked 1 ½ miles to Jarkvisle where a meeting was scheduled at Nils Melin where I previously had had meetings, and we were well-received and had meetings 2 evenings at that place, and many people came together and a good spirit prevailed. In the course of the day we visited several places and talked with the people wherever we went and they showed us much good, both food and friendship.(67)
On Saturday we left Jerqvisle [Jarkvisle, or Garkvisle, or Gerkvisle] and walked to Westana and first visited the Nordlunds and were welcomed by them and we were then invited to the Bergmans for lodgings. On the way there we visited a couple of places so that it was evening before we arrived. We were received with the best feelings and comfort.Sunday the 26th. We had 2 meetings at the school and in Johan Ostlunds home [literally, manor]. There was a full-house at both meetings although the religious [those with strong ties to a particular church] had a preacher here who scheduled meetings at the same times. It is noteworthy that on few occasions has been shown as great well-wishing and friendliness as in this area, and the more that different churches have worked against us the more we have won the sympathy and trust of the people, and we feel ourselves filled with power to work among such good people.
Monday the 27th. We visited various people along the way to Korsamon and we did not arrive before evening, and were very well received by the Selanders where a meeting was scheduled, and many people were there that evening as at other times when meetings have been held there. Later, we had lodgings with the Modins. The next day we received an invitation to attend a reading against us by a Baptist preacher. We went and visited them [who send the invitation] and discussed with them the purpose for which they [the Baptists] accused us, and this discussion was very good for our part, and the reading was scheduled for 5 p.m. We went there but the time was changed to 7 p.m., however, our meeting was scheduled so we could not attend, and the people could tolerate the change [in the preacher’s meeting].