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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The following is a summary of information I have on the first two children of Carl Oscar Johnson, born to Emma Olson, his first wife.  I am looking for more information on this family.  Hopefully someone will see this information and be able to add to it. 

1894, 6 Mar          Oscar W. Johnson born in Smithfield, Utah

1896. 3 Jul            Ebba Oliva Johnson born in Murray, Utah

1917                     Draft Registration - Charles Rognon, Truck Driver,livining
in  SLC,  born in Alabama, employed in Nevada, and married . See Ancestry

1902, 21 Feb         Emma Olson Johnson, first wife of Carl Oscar Johnson died in Salt Lake City - see nFS

1910                   Shelley, Idaho  Census lists Wilford O, age 16, and Ebbe O. 14 in the home of Carl O. and Gerda T Johnson in Shelley

1920                    Salt Lake City, Utah 1920 Census - Ebba is in the 1920 Census with Peter M. Johnson as her husband, and the two children listed are Myrtle E. (Ebba)  age 5 yrs & 2 mo. And Marguerite O. (Olivia)  age 1 year and 2 mo.

1920, 21 Oct        Willford md. Isabelle Carey – prob in Pueblo, Colo

1920, 21 Mar        Clifford Maurice Johnson or Rognon born in Salt Lake City. He was born to Ebba and her first husband, Peter M. Johnson. All three children later took
the name of Rognon, according to Walter Oscar Johnson, half brother of Ebba.

1930                    Pueblo Census shows  Oscar W. Johnson Refinisher with wife and 3 daughters: Patricia, Frances & Eileen.

1934                    SLC Directory lists Chas T. Rognon (Ebba's husband) trucking 768 Blair;   and Myrtle, student at same address
1936                   SLC Directory lists: Rognon, Chas T (Ebba O ) trucking h1594 E 33rd So. And Marguerite O & Myrtle E - both r1594 E. 33rd So

1938, 3 Feb           Ebba dies. Found in Death Index in Ancestry. Listed as Rognon. Age 45

1942                   SLC Dir shows Clifford in an Apartment

7 Apr 1943         Enlistment Record in Ancestry shows Clifford M. Rognon enlisting; driver, married

1957, 5 Dec      Charles Tennyson Rognon dies. He was born 1889 in Alabama. See Ancestry Salt Lake City, Cemetary Records

1965, 26 Feb     Clifford Maurice marries Norma Charlesworth

1999, 10 Sep     Clifford dies

1 comment:

  1. I am the nephew of Wilford and Isabel Carey Johnson. How do I provide input to your blog? I have a Public Tree on

    J_P_carey at hotmail dot com


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