Please send me the following information to add to the blog.
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It will be fun to find out what has happened to the posterity of Gerda and Carl.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Most of this research has been done previously, but this is the definitive research record.
15 sep 2010 Ancestry.com
ANCESTRY.COM – Immigration and Census Records
Gerda Theresia Hanson or Gerda Hanson born in 1880. FOUND
NONE – Otto W or Wilhelm Andersson, Selma Andersson, Maria Louisa Andersson, Carl Hjolmar
Andersson, and Axel Wilhelm Andersson 1900-1910 Census
YES – Louise Andersson and children emigrated from Aarhus to Copenhagenin 1882. Where was husband. I have her childrens deaths in Sweden???? Louise is in the Gothenburg Passenger lists.
NONE - See if there is an Aflerbach in 1900 or 1910 Census. no
NO - nFS Pilot – Andersson
DONE Check NARA microfilm details for U.S. Naturalization Records Indexes, 1794-`885. Gerda Theresea Hanson appear in the index in Ancestry. – Sent for Record. Wrong person.
Searched Hornsberg, Tryserum CS 1869-1875 for Louise’s Family. No
Early Church Records for Stockholm. NO Gerda Hansson F# 082945 FHL 82945 2-9
SVAR 1890 & 1900 Census for Gerda Hansson – NO
TRYSERUM-BIRTHS – ARCHIVEDIGITAL - Tryserum. – Gerda born in Bjornvarp
CS Bjornvarp, Tryserum, Sweden 1876-81 GID 166.7.1600
Gerda appears with parents. See Copy in this file.
CS Bjornvarp, Tryserum 1882-1890 GID 166.9.62600
Gerda Appears with Parents and moves to Eds Kapel in 1883
STENOSA Move Ins Kalmar, Sweden 1884-1890 No
1890 CENSUS Sweden – Gerda NO
VASTRA EDS Movin Ins 1884-5 No
Can I find Gerda in the 1880 and 1890 Census in Sweden and in CS
Most of this research has been done previously, but this is the definitive research record.
15 sep 2010 Ancestry.com
ANCESTRY.COM – Immigration and Census Records
Gerda Theresia Hanson or Gerda Hanson born in 1880. FOUND
NONE – Otto W or Wilhelm Andersson, Selma Andersson, Maria Louisa Andersson, Carl Hjolmar
Andersson, and Axel Wilhelm Andersson 1900-1910 Census
YES – Louise Andersson and children emigrated from Aarhus to Copenhagenin 1882. Where was husband. I have her childrens deaths in Sweden???? Louise is in the Gothenburg Passenger lists.
NONE - See if there is an Aflerbach in 1900 or 1910 Census. no
NO - nFS Pilot – Andersson
DONE Check NARA microfilm details for U.S. Naturalization Records Indexes, 1794-`885. Gerda Theresea Hanson appear in the index in Ancestry. – Sent for Record. Wrong person.
Searched Hornsberg, Tryserum CS 1869-1875 for Louise’s Family. No
Early Church Records for Stockholm. NO Gerda Hansson F# 082945 FHL 82945 2-9
SVAR 1890 & 1900 Census for Gerda Hansson – NO
TRYSERUM-BIRTHS – ARCHIVEDIGITAL - Tryserum. – Gerda born in Bjornvarp
CS Bjornvarp, Tryserum, Sweden 1876-81 GID 166.7.1600
Gerda appears with parents. See Copy in this file.
CS Bjornvarp, Tryserum 1882-1890 GID 166.9.62600
Gerda Appears with Parents and moves to Eds Kapel in 1883
STENOSA Move Ins Kalmar, Sweden 1884-1890 No
1890 CENSUS Sweden – Gerda NO
VASTRA EDS Movin Ins 1884-5 No
Can I find Gerda in the 1880 and 1890 Census in Sweden and in CS
Saturday, May 21, 2011
This 1900 Census for Murray, Utah lists Carl with his wife, Emma and their children, Oscar and Eba Olivia.
Census 1900 COJ,
Johnson-Carl-1900 Census
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
(Daughter of Carl and Gerda Johnson, and sister of Maurice Johnson)
My Life Story----as I can remember now.
By Gerda Wilcox (1988)
Since I am almost 85, I am having some trouble remembering things clearly. But I have lived a good life, and have been blessed with a good family. For this, I am most thankful.
I was born July 23, 1903, in Murray, Utah. I was the first child born to the marriage of Gerda Theresia Hanson and Carl Oscar Johnson. (My father had been married previously and there were 2 children born to his union: Wilford and Ebba.) I will list my brothers and sisters:
Allan, Elsa(who died in infancy at age 4 months, Edwin and twin sister Edith (who died early at age 16), Ruth, Wallace, Walter, Bernice and Maurice.
An interesting fact about our family is that we grew up never knowing any grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. My father was an only child; and my mother had only one brother. The brother went to sea and mother lost all contact with him. When my parents immigrated to America from Sweden, it was as if they were the beginning of the Johnson family.
About the earliest recollection I have is of our move to Shelley, Idaho. My father had gone ahead. Mother and I went there on a train. It was in April, and I remember it being very cold. When we arrived, we sat on the couch, keeping our coats on. I was about 4 at the time.
Since my parents spoke only Swedish, I started school not knowing the English language --- as did Allan. We really stayed close together because of this, and felt strangers in a rather frightening situation. But we learned quickly.
Of course, there was no school bus in those days, so we walked to school. it was about 1 1/2 miles. But we had neighbor children to walk with and we enjoyed that time together with them. I remember the winters being very cold, but we sometimes forgot about the cold as we walked along with the other children. Some of them also came from homes where little if any English was spoken. Several Swedish friends of my parents had also moved from Murray, to Shelley, and they maintained a close friendship with the other Swedish families.
I do not remember too much about that time. But once we went to visit Peter Olsen's family and it snowed so bad we had to (or should I say, 'got to') stay there over night. As children, we thought that a special treat!
Times were hard, and Allan and I had to work very hard. Father was a typical father of the 'old world' philosophy, and was quite stern. I do not remember much show of affection in the family. He got better with the younger children. But Allan and I worked awfully hard. we didn't know much about fun.
Father built boxes for us to stand on while we struggled to harness the horses. We picked potatoes. Back then, the potatoes were just loosened with the plow, and then we had to dig around in the dirt for them.
When Sunday came, everyone went to church except Mother. She stayed home doing chores. (I think this was common way to do in the old country.) But I was always resentful of this treatment of Mother.
Father served one mission in Sweden before coming to American. He served another to Sweden after coming, but before he married mother, and then served this third mission after their marriage. I was about 8. He was gone for three years. During this time, mother had the responsibility of five children, as well as renting the farm, and trying to earn enough money to support the family as well as help father on his mission. She milked cows, fed chickens, and sold butter and eggs.
As a child, I took piano lessons -- actually it was on an organ. I even played for church a couple of times.
I did not finish high school. But when I went, I enjoyed playing on the basketball team. I went to Salt Lake to go to business school. I stayed with my half-sister, Ebba.
Mother was anxious to get me away from farm work. I was glad when I got a job in the telephone office. Before that, I clerked in the J.C. Penny store.
I was married to Warren Wilcox in 1921. I was only 17 at the time. I think one reason I got married so young is that I wanted to get away from home! Warren and I had known each other for several years. He was 19. We were the first couple married in the Idaho Falls Courthouse. Our parents accompanied us for the wedding. Mother made my wedding dress. (She was an excellent seamstress, and had made all the clothes for the family through the years.) She had a party for us -- inviting most of her Swedish friends.
We set up house-keeping in the shed on father's farm, and Warren worked on the farm for some time. Later, he worked in the Shelley Mercantile.
The first of our three children was born while we were in Shelley. Her name was Winona.
After our marriage, we went on a trip to Yellowstone Park with Warren's folks. We went in a buggy.
We moved to Salt Lake then, and Warren worked for a laundry, driving truck. While living in Salt Lake, our second child was born. We named him Douglas.
Warren was getting restless again and decided a move to California would be a good thing. He began working in a grocery store. This was in Hanford. A short time after, he was transferred to Salinas. I always did the books. It was a job he hated. This was during World War I, and help was scarce. It was not long until I was working at the store, also. Soon we had two stores. Warren managed one, and I managed the other. I often took over-ripe produce home and used it the best I could. We also had a small garden.
In California, our third child was born, Her name was Peggy. While she was a baby, I would take her to the store in her buggy while I would work on the books.
Warren left the grocery business and bought a 120 acre farm. It did not take long to learn that he did not feel well enough to work a dairy herd.
During these years in California, we had three different houses. I liked the last one best. But Warren felt we should sell it and move to an apartment, which we did. This was after he had his heart attack and I had two heart attacks.
We had no children left at home, and though our granddaughter, Louise, had lived with us while going to High School, when she left, and we were alone, there was no need for a large place. Warren was not well, and suffered a heart attack. I think he worried himself to death. His death left me very alone. Then my son-in-law, Raymond, also died of a heart attack. Nona and I were in similar circumstances. We became very close because of this.
About this time, several family members moved back to Idaho. My grand-daughter Louise settled in Pocatello. Winona went to live with her. I had not been in good health having suffered a heart attack and having surgery, so it was a concern what to do. For awhile I went to live with Peggy. Allan and Rula decided I should come to Idaho where there were more family members. They came down and moved me. At first I stayed with them.
My daughter Nona became very ill while in Pocatello. She was hospitalized and in the course of treatment, was given an incorrect amount of medicine, which caused her death. The circumstances of her death were very tragic. Her passing was a great loss to me. She was buried in California by her husband and father.
After Nona's death, I stayed with various family members. For awhile, I was with Doug. This did not work out because of problems with her mother, as well as because of his extremely poor health.
Louise opened her home to me and I spend several years there. I have alternated between her place and Bernice's. At the present time, I am enjoying being with Maurice and Doris. The 'family' home has great meaning to me and I enjoy being here.
I have made lots of quilts and afghans for my children, and grandchildren. I continued to use my treadle machine since I never got used to the speed of an electric one.
At age 85, I feel fortunate to be able to move about, to see, to tend to myself. I feel bad that I can no longer use my hands but I have had a good life. Of my three children, Winona has passed away. Right now, I do not know where Doug is, or HOW he is. I feel bad about that.
I love to ride, to shop, when I can move about, and I enjoy taking family members out to dinner. We usually go to a place called "Norths."
I have tried to be helpful to my family, and I appreciate what they have done for me. I wish I could remember more, but like I say, I have had a good life.
I should say that I have 7 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, 16 great-great grandchildren, and 2 great-great-great grandchildren.
(Taken from a Clipping in the Idaho Falls Post Register)
Fifty years ago, January 15, 1921, an article in the Idaho Falls Daily Post (now the Post Register) read as follows:
That the sly little god of love has moved his headquarters over into the new court house is true, for let me tell you, no sooner had probate Judge A. D. Peck moved his big book that you write your brand new hubby's name,(that's yours now) in than cupid got busy, and acting as the agent of that little god of love shot an arrow right square into the hearts of a young Shelley couple, and as a result, MR. and Mrs. Warren Wilcox of Shelley, will always have the distinction of being the very first couple to wed in Bonneville County's new court house in Idaho Falls.
The marriage really should read: "Married by Judge A. D. Peck on Friday, January 14, Miss Gerda Johnson and Mr. Warren Wilcox. Both young people are from Shelley, Idaho, where they will establish their new home."
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, who now reside in Salinas, California, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary Friday at their home. They were in Idaho Falls in June of 1970 and visited the courthouse and had their picture taken in front of it. Due to reasons of health, they were unable to return to Idaho Falls for the special day.
Mr. Wilcox was born in Shelley, the son of William Clarence and Henrietta Wilcox. Mrs. Wilcox is the daughter of Carl O. and Gerda Johnson, also born in Shelley.
They were married January 15, 1921. The marriage was solemnized in the Salt Lake City, Utah, LDS Temple in 1924.
The couple lived in Shelley for several years and then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. They later returned to Shelley for a short time, and then for health reasons, moved to California.
Most of Mr. Wilcox's business years were spent managing grocery stores for a company of several stores. During World War II, Mr. Wilcox managed a store in one section of Salinas while Mrs. Wilcox was manager of another.
Following his retirement from the grocery business, Mr. Wilcox was employed in the service station business, worked for a spice company and is currently engaged in real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are the parents of three sons and daughters: Mrs. Raymond (Winona) Schaal and Mrs. Jay (Peggy) Mills, both of Salinas, and Douglas Wilcox, Tacoma, Wash.; seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox have several brothers and sisters still residing in the area.
Info from Shelley 2nd Ward Recs. See record.
(Daughter of Carl and Gerda Johnson, and sister of Maurice Johnson)
My Life Story----as I can remember now.
By Gerda Wilcox (1988)
Since I am almost 85, I am having some trouble remembering things clearly. But I have lived a good life, and have been blessed with a good family. For this, I am most thankful.
I was born July 23, 1903, in Murray, Utah. I was the first child born to the marriage of Gerda Theresia Hanson and Carl Oscar Johnson. (My father had been married previously and there were 2 children born to his union: Wilford and Ebba.) I will list my brothers and sisters:
Allan, Elsa(who died in infancy at age 4 months, Edwin and twin sister Edith (who died early at age 16), Ruth, Wallace, Walter, Bernice and Maurice.
An interesting fact about our family is that we grew up never knowing any grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. My father was an only child; and my mother had only one brother. The brother went to sea and mother lost all contact with him. When my parents immigrated to America from Sweden, it was as if they were the beginning of the Johnson family.
About the earliest recollection I have is of our move to Shelley, Idaho. My father had gone ahead. Mother and I went there on a train. It was in April, and I remember it being very cold. When we arrived, we sat on the couch, keeping our coats on. I was about 4 at the time.
Since my parents spoke only Swedish, I started school not knowing the English language --- as did Allan. We really stayed close together because of this, and felt strangers in a rather frightening situation. But we learned quickly.
Of course, there was no school bus in those days, so we walked to school. it was about 1 1/2 miles. But we had neighbor children to walk with and we enjoyed that time together with them. I remember the winters being very cold, but we sometimes forgot about the cold as we walked along with the other children. Some of them also came from homes where little if any English was spoken. Several Swedish friends of my parents had also moved from Murray, to Shelley, and they maintained a close friendship with the other Swedish families.
I do not remember too much about that time. But once we went to visit Peter Olsen's family and it snowed so bad we had to (or should I say, 'got to') stay there over night. As children, we thought that a special treat!
Times were hard, and Allan and I had to work very hard. Father was a typical father of the 'old world' philosophy, and was quite stern. I do not remember much show of affection in the family. He got better with the younger children. But Allan and I worked awfully hard. we didn't know much about fun.
Father built boxes for us to stand on while we struggled to harness the horses. We picked potatoes. Back then, the potatoes were just loosened with the plow, and then we had to dig around in the dirt for them.
When Sunday came, everyone went to church except Mother. She stayed home doing chores. (I think this was common way to do in the old country.) But I was always resentful of this treatment of Mother.
Father served one mission in Sweden before coming to American. He served another to Sweden after coming, but before he married mother, and then served this third mission after their marriage. I was about 8. He was gone for three years. During this time, mother had the responsibility of five children, as well as renting the farm, and trying to earn enough money to support the family as well as help father on his mission. She milked cows, fed chickens, and sold butter and eggs.
As a child, I took piano lessons -- actually it was on an organ. I even played for church a couple of times.
I did not finish high school. But when I went, I enjoyed playing on the basketball team. I went to Salt Lake to go to business school. I stayed with my half-sister, Ebba.
Mother was anxious to get me away from farm work. I was glad when I got a job in the telephone office. Before that, I clerked in the J.C. Penny store.
I was married to Warren Wilcox in 1921. I was only 17 at the time. I think one reason I got married so young is that I wanted to get away from home! Warren and I had known each other for several years. He was 19. We were the first couple married in the Idaho Falls Courthouse. Our parents accompanied us for the wedding. Mother made my wedding dress. (She was an excellent seamstress, and had made all the clothes for the family through the years.) She had a party for us -- inviting most of her Swedish friends.
We set up house-keeping in the shed on father's farm, and Warren worked on the farm for some time. Later, he worked in the Shelley Mercantile.
The first of our three children was born while we were in Shelley. Her name was Winona.
After our marriage, we went on a trip to Yellowstone Park with Warren's folks. We went in a buggy.
We moved to Salt Lake then, and Warren worked for a laundry, driving truck. While living in Salt Lake, our second child was born. We named him Douglas.
Warren was getting restless again and decided a move to California would be a good thing. He began working in a grocery store. This was in Hanford. A short time after, he was transferred to Salinas. I always did the books. It was a job he hated. This was during World War I, and help was scarce. It was not long until I was working at the store, also. Soon we had two stores. Warren managed one, and I managed the other. I often took over-ripe produce home and used it the best I could. We also had a small garden.
In California, our third child was born, Her name was Peggy. While she was a baby, I would take her to the store in her buggy while I would work on the books.
Warren left the grocery business and bought a 120 acre farm. It did not take long to learn that he did not feel well enough to work a dairy herd.
During these years in California, we had three different houses. I liked the last one best. But Warren felt we should sell it and move to an apartment, which we did. This was after he had his heart attack and I had two heart attacks.
We had no children left at home, and though our granddaughter, Louise, had lived with us while going to High School, when she left, and we were alone, there was no need for a large place. Warren was not well, and suffered a heart attack. I think he worried himself to death. His death left me very alone. Then my son-in-law, Raymond, also died of a heart attack. Nona and I were in similar circumstances. We became very close because of this.
About this time, several family members moved back to Idaho. My grand-daughter Louise settled in Pocatello. Winona went to live with her. I had not been in good health having suffered a heart attack and having surgery, so it was a concern what to do. For awhile I went to live with Peggy. Allan and Rula decided I should come to Idaho where there were more family members. They came down and moved me. At first I stayed with them.
My daughter Nona became very ill while in Pocatello. She was hospitalized and in the course of treatment, was given an incorrect amount of medicine, which caused her death. The circumstances of her death were very tragic. Her passing was a great loss to me. She was buried in California by her husband and father.
After Nona's death, I stayed with various family members. For awhile, I was with Doug. This did not work out because of problems with her mother, as well as because of his extremely poor health.
Louise opened her home to me and I spend several years there. I have alternated between her place and Bernice's. At the present time, I am enjoying being with Maurice and Doris. The 'family' home has great meaning to me and I enjoy being here.
I have made lots of quilts and afghans for my children, and grandchildren. I continued to use my treadle machine since I never got used to the speed of an electric one.
At age 85, I feel fortunate to be able to move about, to see, to tend to myself. I feel bad that I can no longer use my hands but I have had a good life. Of my three children, Winona has passed away. Right now, I do not know where Doug is, or HOW he is. I feel bad about that.
I love to ride, to shop, when I can move about, and I enjoy taking family members out to dinner. We usually go to a place called "Norths."
I have tried to be helpful to my family, and I appreciate what they have done for me. I wish I could remember more, but like I say, I have had a good life.
I should say that I have 7 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, 16 great-great grandchildren, and 2 great-great-great grandchildren.
(Taken from a Clipping in the Idaho Falls Post Register)
Fifty years ago, January 15, 1921, an article in the Idaho Falls Daily Post (now the Post Register) read as follows:
That the sly little god of love has moved his headquarters over into the new court house is true, for let me tell you, no sooner had probate Judge A. D. Peck moved his big book that you write your brand new hubby's name,(that's yours now) in than cupid got busy, and acting as the agent of that little god of love shot an arrow right square into the hearts of a young Shelley couple, and as a result, MR. and Mrs. Warren Wilcox of Shelley, will always have the distinction of being the very first couple to wed in Bonneville County's new court house in Idaho Falls.
The marriage really should read: "Married by Judge A. D. Peck on Friday, January 14, Miss Gerda Johnson and Mr. Warren Wilcox. Both young people are from Shelley, Idaho, where they will establish their new home."
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, who now reside in Salinas, California, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary Friday at their home. They were in Idaho Falls in June of 1970 and visited the courthouse and had their picture taken in front of it. Due to reasons of health, they were unable to return to Idaho Falls for the special day.
Mr. Wilcox was born in Shelley, the son of William Clarence and Henrietta Wilcox. Mrs. Wilcox is the daughter of Carl O. and Gerda Johnson, also born in Shelley.
They were married January 15, 1921. The marriage was solemnized in the Salt Lake City, Utah, LDS Temple in 1924.
The couple lived in Shelley for several years and then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. They later returned to Shelley for a short time, and then for health reasons, moved to California.
Most of Mr. Wilcox's business years were spent managing grocery stores for a company of several stores. During World War II, Mr. Wilcox managed a store in one section of Salinas while Mrs. Wilcox was manager of another.
Following his retirement from the grocery business, Mr. Wilcox was employed in the service station business, worked for a spice company and is currently engaged in real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are the parents of three sons and daughters: Mrs. Raymond (Winona) Schaal and Mrs. Jay (Peggy) Mills, both of Salinas, and Douglas Wilcox, Tacoma, Wash.; seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox have several brothers and sisters still residing in the area.
Info from Shelley 2nd Ward Recs. See record.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Some time ago I made ancestor cards as a tool to teach family about our ancestors. Here are two of the cards.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Shortly after Carl and Gerda Johnson moved to Shelley, Idaho, from Murray, Utah, Else Theresia Johnson was born on April 16, 1907. She was named after her mother in that they had the same middle names. Else had a four year old sister, (Gerda) and a two year old brother (Allen). Also, she had a half brother and half sister who were living with their father and step-mother (Wilford and Ebba), so she was the fifth child to be added to the family.
Her parents had moved to Shelley in order for Carl to quit working in the smelters in Murray, Utah and begin farming. It is likely that Gerda was pregnant during the move. At the time Else was born, her mother was 27 years old, and her father was 42 years old. Her parents spoke the language of and lived the customs of their native land, Sweden.
To the grief of her parents and family, and at a time her mother had just become pregnant with twins, Else passed away in Shelley five months after she was born on September 3, 1907 and was buried in the Shelley Cemetery.
Shortly after Carl and Gerda Johnson moved to Shelley, Idaho, from Murray, Utah, Else Theresia Johnson was born on April 16, 1907. She was named after her mother in that they had the same middle names. Else had a four year old sister, (Gerda) and a two year old brother (Allen). Also, she had a half brother and half sister who were living with their father and step-mother (Wilford and Ebba), so she was the fifth child to be added to the family.
Her parents had moved to Shelley in order for Carl to quit working in the smelters in Murray, Utah and begin farming. It is likely that Gerda was pregnant during the move. At the time Else was born, her mother was 27 years old, and her father was 42 years old. Her parents spoke the language of and lived the customs of their native land, Sweden.
To the grief of her parents and family, and at a time her mother had just become pregnant with twins, Else passed away in Shelley five months after she was born on September 3, 1907 and was buried in the Shelley Cemetery.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I have been so thrilled with the materials Doug sent, and would love to have more. I need more pictures!!!! Please send pictures of your relatives that I haven't put on this blog. What you see here is all I have, and I would love to have more of all the siblings.
I have added a Part III to DAd's history, made some changes or additions in part II, and added several picture throughout.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thanks again to Doug Bingham for the pictures.
Carl as a missionary. I see some of the Johnson sons in his face.
Johnson Family at house across the street from the Shelley Second Ward Church, about 1924.
Correct me if I'm wrong in the following:
Gerda & Warren, Carl , Maurice, Ruth, Bernice, Gerda, Edwin
?Winona, Walter, Wallace
Carl & Gerda's home in Idaho Falls near the temple so it would be easy to attend the temple as often as they liked.
Isn't this picture just great. I have never seen a picture of these two at this age in their lives. Anyone want to guess, or does anyone know what year this picture was taken. Thanks Doug Bingham for this picture.
And now for a close-up. I would also like to know where this pictures was taken.
So fun to see these pictures, thanks to Doug Bingham.
Walter, Maurice, Bernice, Gerda, Wallace, Allan, Edwin
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