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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mission Journal March 13-April 8, 1899

Carl Oscar Johnson’s Mission Journal – pages 74-84

March 13-April 8, 1899


I left this place with stirred feelings because the people accepted me so well and they showed a great attentiveness as actual brothers and sisters [i.e., members of the Church].

Wednesday the 15th. I went to Korsamon and visited the J. [Jonas} Selanders after which I walked further to the Aslins where there was a meeting  scheduled that night and for me it was as usual there at [that]home where I feel happiness and peace.  Many of my friends from Westana were there and a joyful meeting in the word’s fullest meaning [took place].  After the meeting I heard word that some were thinking of baptism and I was happy that hope for a harvest was before us.

Thursday the 16th.  I was a guest at the Larsons that entire day until evening when we were a company of 18 persons who walked to Westana.

(page 75)

and what would those think who were opposed to us  We had a good and enjoyable meeting also this evening, and it seemed that all were members of the church [lit. brothers and sisters].  After the meeting ended a baptismal service was scheduled for the following day and I felt still better.  I was invited to the Bergvalls over night and it was pleasant there.

Friday the 17th.  I visited the Bergmans ad then I went to the Aslins and we sought a place for the baptism and it was shown in a dream to one of them who came, namely Brita Larson, and when we found the place it took only 10 minutes’ work to get it ready [and]it called forth our surprise when it was so appropriate in every way.  Thereafter, a lot of people came and I baptized 6 persons, 3 men and 3 women which were the first in this parish who can be proven[to have received baptism], but which (page 76)

 likely are not the last.  And when we had confirmation the Spirit was so richly enjoyed that I felt a great power, and all felt it, and 3 of those who were baptized, who were previously ill, afterwards felt healthier than for a long time.  [Note:  Thos baptized probably were Brita Aslin Larson, Johanna Carolina Aslin, Sigrid Katerina Aslin, Simon Emil Aslin, Erick Jonas Aslin(?), and Lars Larson.].

We had a glorious song and music [time] together for a couple of hours and we [then] separated in great happiness and my wish was to quickly have another similar opportunity again.  I went with [the group] to Westana again and was with the Bermans until the following day.

Saturday the 18th.  I left Westana and walked to Boda and visited the Ledins and went farther to the Lindes and was there a while and later [went] to Kristoffer Johnson and there had a meeting the same evening, and on Sunday I continued with


a second meeting and I had the happiness to send 2 of my friends from Kranga, Theodor Linde and Alida, and was glad because then I had help to play [instruments=probably guitar] and sing, and in that way it was a great help to me.  It seems as though here also there are good people and a good spirit was enjoyed and [I have} hopes for a harvest.  And I was very well met by those who opened their house for the meeting.  Sometimes I felt at thought I should be tired, but it went [well] anyway, and I was richly blessed.

Monday I left Johnsons and took a trip to Fors or Bispgarden and spoke with some places in the village and asked about a room in which to preach, but there were none who had such available.  I [stayed, or rejoiced(?)] with the widow Westin [The word ‘fastade”, or “stayed” really doesn’t match the context, which is ‘visited”.  If he misspelled the word and meant “festade”, or “rejoiced”, the suggestion of a happy reunion of friends in a religious setting would be appropriate].  I went back to K. Johnson and was there overnight.

(page 78)

The next day I walked to Garkvisle, but on the way I visited Ledins in Boda and was well taken off by them.  Arriving at G.[ark isle] I stayed with J. Lid berg and there was also a meeting scheduled for the next week.

On Wednesday I went to Westana and visited Nordlund and was there for a time.  I was to a couple of other places and heard that the congregation’s [parish] priest had been there and forbidden the people to receive me or offer a room for meetings, but had be the people were free in their thoughts so that the prohibition had no effect.  I was with brother and sister Bergvall overnight.  And the next day I was at the Bermans and Alvars as well as having a rest day. 

Friday the 24th.  I visited several places on the way to Krange and when I came there I was, as usual, very well-received and was with

(page 79)

 brother and sister Larson and we were together un 12 o’clock at night, and had music and song and joy.

Saturday the 25th.  We had a meeting at Aslins at 11 a.m. and there were many people there and a good spirit prevailed, and I had another meeting in Westana at the school at and I heard that there were some who wanted to enter the congregation [i.e. join the church} and I was happy for that.  I walked to Krange and was there overnight and on Sunday [Mar 26} we had a meeting at Selanders at Korsamon, and it was one of the best I have had, and such a great power of the Lord’s spirit was enjoyed that I had not the least effort to speak, and several were scheduled to be baptized, which ordinance was performed between 5 and 6 p.m. when 6 people went down in the waters of baptism and made a covenant with God to serve Him.


There were between 50-60 persons who witnessed the ceremony but the greatest calm and quiet prevailed and many eyes were wet with tears.  All was under the Spirit’s guidance and so was it when confirmation(s) were done, and it seemed as though this was a powerful testimony for many and probably will never leave them.  At 8 o’clock in the evening we had breaking of bread [i.e. the Sacrament] together and this meeting will be in my memory for a long time, for the power of the lord was so richly enjoyed that all could remember it. In harmony with the wishes and desire of all, Brother Alva was ordained to be a Priest in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, and was also set apart as temporary leader [of the group] until a more complete organization could be accomplished, and we separated after one of the most auspicious days in our life according to several testimonies and I felt myself very satisfied with this day’s work.  [Note:  As nearly as I can understand from this diary, those that were baptized this day were Alida Kristina Aslin, Sigrid Catherine Westman (Aslin), Josef Fredrick Theodor Lind, Jonas Lidberg, and possibly Jonas Magnus Alvar and Frida Edholm.  It is unclear when Erik Jonas Aslin was baptized, but his name is included in the register of ordinations in the diary.  Other family records should be compared for exact dates.}

(page 81)

Monday the 27th.  I visited with brother and sister [“sy”], or syskonen=brothers and sister} Larson and later Selanders where I was for a couple of hours and spoke with them and it was very incorporating [inclusive, or joining together] of all that belonged to the Gospel and with a desire to become one with God’s people.  In the evening of the same day we met with Aslins at Krange and it was one of the best meetings I have held, and my thoughts were [that I should]not come any more to this area so I took a find farewell of these dear people with whom I had established such a good acquaintance.

Tuesday the 28th.  I was then staying with the Aslins a time when a message came from the Selanders [Jonas and Martha and possibly, Ingrid Mart. Selander] that they wanted to be baptized, so we performed that ordinance at 1 p.m. I t was a real pleasure to welcome these good people into the congregation as covenanters.


I departed from them and visited several homes and I was wonderfully greeted where I came.  I didn’t come to Garkvisle until just before the meeting time and there were many people present.  The meeting was at Olof Johnson[‘s home] at Storbacken. {Another meeting] was also announced for the next evening, and the next day I wrote several letters and visited the J. Lidbergs and talked with them.  That night there came an overflowing of people and 8 of my dear brothers and sisters from Westana came with their instruments and that was a remarkable gathering, and I had to promise that I would return again for the purpose of baptizing.

The next day I left that place and went to the village [possibly Liden} and there was also a meeting scheduled there at Mrs. Lindgren’s home, which also was plentifully visited by many honorable and attentive listeners.


I also had a meeting at the same place the following evening which was Good Friday.  The parish priest had gone about and forbidden the meeting, but that availed nothing because the people [determined] to come to the house of E. O. Berman, and sister Christina [Alida Kristina Aslin?] was there from Westana, and so I help to play [music—Alida Kristina played the guitar and sang].  Here also there were a couple who announced that they would be baptized if I came back gain and I promised them.  I lived with the Hagstroms while I was there.


Easter day, the 2nd of April.  I walked into the city [Sundsvall] and a meeting was scheduled there at 11 a.m. and I took up the greater part of the time speaking to those present.  We were then invited to the Hoglunds for dinner and were there the entire day.  I had several l letters with good news.  The next day I had all IO could do to get the reports prepared to be sent.  Later we were invited to Klara Schader for the evening and there were many of us there.  On Tuesday and Wednesday I was home and began writing for the branch’s part and when I had completed the narrative [or description] and because I was behind in my writing, I needed to do it to the last [minute before] we were at Sister Engberg and had dinner and so forth there.  I had no more duties the entire week than to send the Nordstjarnan [the North Star, which was the mission periodical] and visit several places and prepare to leave Sundsvall after about one week.